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The following books will now be produced:

The Core Manual

The EDRPG Rule Book

Begin your journey with the Elite: Dangerous Role Playing Game core book. 


Create dozens of different character backgrounds, including Police Officer, Docking Bay Operative, Mercenary or Hoopy Casino Croupier. Choose Karma Capabilities that turn your character into an action hero when it counts the most. Have your best friend, business partner, love interest or snot nosed nephew fight by your side with the in-game Partner mechanic.


Start with your own ship. No one has to be a co-pilot unless they want to. Space, Vehicle and Personal Combat rules are all included along with hundreds of bits of equipment including rare weapons, armour, clothes, cosmetics, combat stims and much more.


Modify your spacecraft with the same flexibility and detail of the computer game. Drive in style in Scarab SRV’s, Gangland Battle Cars or the dreaded Federal Ram Raider. Have a life outside of the current adventure by earning money as a Trader, Bounty Hunter, Miner or Explorer using the between adventures rules.


You can employ crew for your spacecraft and generate their abilities, personalities and names randomly as well as encounter dozens of opponents from pirate space craft, sword wielding assassins, genetically engineered bio mods, implacable drones and fierce indigenous alien animals – don’t let your SRV get knocked over by an armour plated Golunk.


You will also be able to generate entire star systems, including multiple star systems and their civilised inhabitants. And if you are lacking inspiration. Generate military, espionage and exploration missions randomly, including devious plot twists that will cause havoc and challenge your players.

Military Sourcebook

You’re in the Army now, Soldier!

Begin your training in the Armies and Navies of the great galactic powers. Earn ranks to unlock powerful military spaceships. Use devastating new heavy weapons and military vehicles to accomplish your objectives. Generate new missions and enemy bases using the new modules for the Random Generation Systems (RGS). With the Military Supplement the entire might of the Empire and Federation are behind you.

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Espionage Sourcebook

It’s a dirty galaxy and no one likes to play by the rules

As a spy you will find yourself working for shadowy government organisations, corporate sabotage teams or bloodthirsty freedom fighters.  Be prepared to engage in hacking, stealth, thievery, investigation, assassination, uncovering plots, preventing atrocities and spreading scandalous rumours.  All for the public good, of course…

Supertraders Sourcebook

They said it was going to be a simple job.

Just shift 40 tons of superconductors to Curtis Outpost in Ross 1057.  What could go wrong?  Except for stopping to rescue orphans from a burning ship, being held up by anti-corporate freedom fighters, discovering a banned alien animal amongst the cargo pods, repairing your sparking Frame Shift Drive, discovering that your cargo is actually a narcotics shipment and fighting off a corrupt police force.  Anyway you made it.  Is now a good time to tell you that your buyer is dead and that the station has been set to explode?  Who’d be a trucker?

Exploration Sourcebook

Find your destiny amongst the stars.

In the cold depths of space mysteries are being uncovered.  Ancient ruins, undisturbed for thousands of years, lie hidden on distant moons.  Strange artefacts transmit signals into deep space, but who is listening across the far reaches of the galaxy?  On worlds closer to home human settlers, long isolated from the galactic core, have degenerated into primitives.  Unable to access modern medicine weird mutagens and alien wildlife have wrought terrible changes upon some survivors making them something less than human.  If you can brave the infinite dark amazing treasures await, including artefacts that no human hand can make, and secrets corporations would pay a fortune for … or kill to remain secret.

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Here's some more information on what you can expect from the books in the EDRPG range.


This Kickstarter campaign has funded the production of a Core Manual and 4 Supplements, Military Missions Sourcebook, Espionage Sourcebook, Exploration Sourcebook and Supertraders Sourcebook. All designed to allow any fan of the computer game to continue their adventures, with friends, in the roleplaying setting.


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