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Its Competition Time!

Name a Weapon

We’d like to offer an opportunity for the EDRPG community to create some of the content for the main game. This week we’re asking you to create a new rare weapon. It can be any sort of hand held weapon, from a special kind of sword, automatic pistol, laser rifle or even a missile launcher. Give a brief description of your weapon (no more than a hundred words) and tell us where it came from, what it looks like, what it can do or why it was built. You do not have to include it’s stats – but you can make suggestions if you wish.

The winning entry will go into one of the sourcebooks, either Military, Espionage, Exploration or Super Traders, depending on the kind of weapon chosen.

To enter just make a suggestion on our Facebook page, below in the comments section or on the Elite: Dangerous Roleplay Forum (we check all three). We shall announce the winner next week on the 22nd of December.

And yes, we have already had 'Shooty McBoomstick', thanks to Cmdr PerfectTommy!

*Note: We might have to slightly modify the weapon to fit the constraints of lore and game balance. You will receive a credit in the supplement book.

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