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The Unexpected Guest - Part 8

The gun is metal and plastic, a composite. A kinetic weapon, with ammunition. The barrel is warm. It’s been used.

There’s a scream in the corridor. A moment later, the security alert goes off. I’m at the door, but it won’t open, it’s too heavy to drag back, or something’s jamming it. I keep trying then start shouting.

“Hey! Anyone out there? I’m stuck!”

There’s an automated locking system that keeps all the cell hatches closed during an emergency. In the event of a fire on a space station, it’s the safest thing to do. Seal the adjoining rooms and keep them pressurised, that way people stay alive.

But my door isn’t pressure locked, it’s broken and jammed.


There’s movement outside. I can hear booted feet and murmured voices talking over the vox. A moment later a metallic scream starts up and the door panel becomes hot. I step back into the room away from it, watching the metal blister and melt. Eventually, part of the central panel falls away to reveal a figure behind it in full tactical assault gear aiming a weapon at me.

“Mister Dahallan? Saul Dallahan?”

Wordlessly I nod.

“You’re under arrest for the murder of Load Supervisor, Jacob Roberts.”

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