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Core Book Fulfilment Update

With literally weeks now until we take delivery of the EDRPG Core Manual, here is an update as to where we are and what we have been up to.

Core Book Delivery Date

Due to a small amount of delay in the final stages of the preparation for printing, we are expecting the books to be sent to our distribution warehouse on 6th October. The warehouse will begin immediate fulfilment with postal arrival dates dependent on your location and local delivery services.

We will be releasing the PDF to our backers Pledge Manager account on Friday 29th September for all those who qualify. For our backers, to obtain a copy just log in to the Pledge Manager account using the same login details as when you answered your questionnaire and you will be directed to a download icon for the Core Book.

Production of the Supplements are still on track for the beginning of next year and we will continue to update you on their progress, with more sneak peaks of artwork and other content.

Frontier Expo 17 – Collect your physical copy

We are going to be there!

Spidermind Games will have some floor space dedicated to EDRPG, so if you are coming, do pop by and say hello.

In order to ensure that we will be able to show off our printed version of the Core Book at the Expo, we have asked for a limited number of physical copies of the EDRPG Core Manual to be shipped, express, to be with us well in time for the Expo. This means that if you are a backer of our project, and you are attending the Expo you may well be able to collect a copy of the Core Manual from our stand on the day.

As we are limited in the number of books we can have with us, please can any backers who wish to collect a copy of their book on the day email their request to

Please put the title of the E-mail as FX17

In the body of the email please be sure to let us know BOTH your email address you used to sign up for the Kickstarter AS WELL AS the Commander or other name you chose to appear in the credits of the book. On the day, we will ask a quick security question and should you pass this you will be able to collect your Core Book straight away.

Just don’t fail the security question….

If there are any copies left on the day then we will be selling these at the standard retail price of £35.

Chessex Dice

That is not all, as anyone who has purchased some of the amazing Chessex Borealis dice will also be able to collect these at the expo.

We will have a complete list of all backers and what they ordered and so if you have bought both a Core Book and some dice as part of your pledge you will be able to collect both as long as you are quick enough to let us know.

For anyone who has not yet seen these amazing dice, sets will be on sale at the Expo as well.

Sets come in six colours and will be on sale for £6 each.

Cut off time for collection

The cut off time for any backers to email saying you wish to collect your book and/or dice is the end of this month (30th Sept) so please ensure that you email us before then to guarantee a copy of the book.

Core Book Fulfilment

For some people, the prohibitive cost of a flight to the UK, work, family and other matters has stopped them from being able to attend FX17, so instead will be posted out their pledges as and when they are complete. For those who are waiting for other products, on top of the Core Manual and the Chessex Dice, all fulfilment will be done when all items that you have ordered are ready for delivery. That being said, we are currently in discussion with PledgeManager to see if we can’t offer a second postage option above the one you have already chosen.

Right now everyone has paid for a single shipment of all the goods when they are all ready and this is by far the cheapest option. What we are looking at now is to be able to offer a postage option for the core book (and dice if relevant) as an extra for those who, at the moment, are still waiting for the supplements and other goodies.

Nothing has been confirmed but as soon as we know whether we can make this available we will let you folks know. Sadly it isnt quite as simple as splitting the postage you have already paid, as with a second shipment comes further handling and packaging costs. How much exactly we don’t currently know but as soon as we know more details we will pass these on.

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