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You can still join in!

We are live

Having been hard at work with the wonderful people at PledgeManager we are ready to release our Backer Questionnaires and pre order site.

For anyone who has not yet had the opportunity to get involved with our project can do so now.

So what does this mean for you?


If you are one of our backers, you will receive a questionnaire from PledgeManager very shortly in which you will be asked to confirm your pledge, add on any add on's that you may want and to confirm your address. Once this is done your postage will be calculated and you will be asked to pay for postage and any extra's you have been tempted by. You will be given access to a backers only part of our PM site which you can always access by clicking here.

Not backed yet?

PledgeManager is also running for us a pre-order site where you can browse the available pledge levels and get on board. Some pledge levels featured here on the Kickstarter page were exclusive to the Kickstarter Campaign but there is plenty available for all budgets, just head over to the EDRPG Pre-Order site now. Click on the image above and you will be taking directly there.

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