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August Update

The Core Book

Things are moving along nicely here at Spidermind HQ. In fact we would go so far as to say things are getting rather exciting! We have placed the order for the Core Manual and only have the fineries of the Collectors Edition cover to organise.

The estimated date for delivery to the UK is mid September at which point we will begin fulfilment for all those who have not ordered hard copies of the supplements.

Cover Artist

A while back we announced that due to work commitments, our Frontier artists Matt York would not be able to work with us on the front cover of the Core Manual. Chatting to another of our amazing artists Josh Atack, he recommended the very capable Mark Molnar as a potential replacement. We approached Mark to see if he would be able and willing and he very kindly agreed to jump on board.

We think he will fit in just great :-)

Frontier Expo 2017

As I am sure many of you are aware, Frontier Developments are running their own Expo this year at Here East, Olympic Park in London. Anyone wanting tickets for this event should head over to their website and check out what is available.

We are hoping to be in attendance but are yet to work out the full details so will keep you posted with either an update, email or both about the event just in case you are able to pop by and say hello.

More Artwork

Ever wondered what some of the personal weapons might look like for your characters. below is a little montage of the type of kickass hardware you will be able to unleash on the galaxy when you take delivery of the Core Book.

Ergon Tommygun

Ergon Tommygun

Or this one some commanders may recognise, The Assault Beamer

Assault Beamer

or you can try something a little more precise...

The Evex Long Barrel Laser Pistol

That's it for this months update. We will look to give you a further progress report this time next month and as always, if there is anything worth shouting about beforehand we will be sure to let you all know.

Many thanks

Jon & Oliver

Spidermind Games

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