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Pledge Manager and Postage

As I am sure many of you are aware, since the successful funding of the EDRPG project, we have been working hard with PledgeManager to get the backer questionnaires sent out, as well as a pre-order site set up for those who want to get involved but missed out on the Kickstarter.

We are almost ready and we were planning to go live this week with both the questionnaire and the pre-order site but there has been a positive development which necessitates a small delay in our launch.

Our distributors, Modiphius, are constantly in negotiations with postal service suppliers and fulfilment companies to try and get the best postage deals possible and are currently coming to the end of one such round of negotiations. In brief, this may well result in significant reductions (up to £5) for the postage to some of the main countries that we will be supplying to.

If we launched the questionnaires and pre-order site now and Modiphius are successful and change the postage prices next week or the week after, then anyone who had completed their transaction and are affected by the reduction in postage would have to go thorough the whole process again.

In order to reduce duplication and annoyance we think it is wise to hold off for a little while to give Modiphius a chance to nail this new deal and save many of us some of our hard earned pennies.

Thank you for you continued support and patience and we will post an update here as soon as there has been any positive developments on the new postage negotiations.

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