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March 2017 - Update

Dear Backers,

Now that the KS campaign has ended and all the action is happening behind stage, we have decided that we will update you all on our progress once a month unless something amazing or exciting happens to warrant an extra update. (I mean more amazing and exciting than the usual amazing and exciting)


The project is now in the very capable hands of Melonie and Adam who, as well as the masterminds behind PledgeManager, are also the creating force behind Kicktraq. Having ported over all the pledges and levels from the KS campaign over to a page being run by PledgeManager, we are now providing new levels that people can get involved in as well as the corresponding art work for the shop front. Testing will have to come next and then as soon as this is ready to launch we will let you know.


Talking of art, we have just recruited one of Frontier Developments in house artists Matt York to work with us on producing a front cover for the core manual. For those of you unaware of Matts work, here is one of his iconic pieces below.

Henning, Kevin and Josh are all busy creating masterpieces and from the few that we have already seen, there is a huge amount of awesomeness to cram in to so few pages.


We are also very excited as we will soon be heading of the amazing HQ of Chessex UK to complete our ordering of their amazing dice. We have managed to negotiate 6 different colours of the Chessex Borealis Dice which you will be able to choose from when it comes to receiving your bundles of joy.

Production Schedule

Despite having the campaign suffer from a three-week hiatus mid campaign we are confident that we will be able to keep the August deadline for the production of the Core Manual but are currently looking at January 2018 as the date for the postage of the physical supplements rather than December as we had planned. Not only did we lose three weeks of scheduled work but we then had to wait, in some circumstances for our team to be free again from other commitments, to start on our project again.

We will post up a full production schedule on the PM site when we are up and running.

We also want to take another opportunity to thank you for all your support in making this KS campaign successful and we look forward to the next update where we will have a bunch of photos, some more progress to report and maybe even some of the lovely dice to let you see.

Another great piece from Kevin - Checkpoint

Jon & Oliver

Spidermind Games

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