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Dice Collection

Following the success of the Borealis Dice as an add on in the Kickstarter, we paid a recent visit to Chessex UK HQ to have a look at the different colours within the Borealis range, to see which ones to offer on our PledgeManager site.

We have chosen 6 colours which are available and all of them in the same set of 5 x d10's and 1 x d%. We are working with PM to get some lovely images up on the pre-order site, but in the meantime if you are struggling with choice, do take a look at these.

Unfortunately, one idea we had was to offer a set of one of each colour, but this proved too difficult to arrange and too costly in the extra packing that we would have to pay for. This being said you can always buy a pack of each colour and mix them that way :-)

In taking our Job seriously, here at Spidermind HQ, we obtained some of these amazing dice and have been rigorously testing them out under various conditions. Below is a set during a D&D 5th Edition Campaign.

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