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Sneak Peek - Bio Mods

As well as facing grisly pirates, bandits, corporate assassins and crooked police officers, in EDRPG you can also encounter a number of unsavoury creatures, both natural and genetically engineered.

Straight out of the Core Manual - Bio Mods

The Bathawk - Watch your eyes!

One unintended consequence of the superb medical and biological technology of the 34th century is the temptation for scientists to play god. When life becomes a jigsaw puzzle that you can re-arrange and modify at will, untold horrors will be unleashed upon the universe in the name of discovery. The nauseating biomods, mismatched creatures made from a variety of different animal components, are the worst examples of this scientific hubris.

Biomods are made for a variety of reasons. Some are relatively benign creations, animals which have been reconfigured genetically to produce more meat, more young, more milk. Others are little more than bioengineered weapons, aggressive animals made more combative by overstimulating their adrenaline production and muscular mass, combining the worst features of two or more incompatible animals.

These freaks of scientific inquiry are often used en-mass for military or sabotage purposes. A pack of snakewolves can help to flush out an entrenched infantry troop, whilst releasing hundreds of weasalrats into a corporate building’s air ducts will render the entire structure permanently unusable.

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