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Sneak Peek - Karma Capabilities

Having looked last week into the creation of characters, as promised here is the description of how Karma Capabilities work, taken straight from the Core Manual.

Your character is the hero in their own story and heroes tend to be lucky. They can defy overwhelming odds, escape certain death, and exceed even their own remarkable abilities on occasion. Your character can do this by spending Karma points on Karma Capabilities. A starting character can pick three Karma Capabilities and starts with one, Escape Death, for free.

A starting character has 10 Karma points and you gain more as you improve in Rank. You can spend your Karma points at any time, although it is generally obvious when you want to do so. Usually you will use Karma Capabilities in combat, to help dodge an incoming laser beam, to improve your aim for a tricky shot, or to gain an extra attack. Some Karma Capabilities also boost your ability with skills, although it is wise for a starting character to concentrate on fighting skills early on.

You cannot use the same Karma Capability more than once during your turn or between turns. For example, if you have the Duck! Karma Capability you cannot spend it twice to gain a +4 bonus rather than a +2 bonus. At the start of your turn you regain the ability to use all your Karma Capabilities again.

Re-rolling a 1

In addition to Karma Capabilities you can also spend a Karma point to re-roll a 1 you just rolled on a skill check or attack roll. You are not restricted to a single re-roll. If you are unlucky enough to roll another 1 you can spend a second Karma point. Be wary of doing this too often – it is an excellent way of draining all your Karma!

Recovering Karma Points

Karma Points, once spent, regenerate slowly. You regain one Karma point after your main rest (equivalent to a full night’s sleep), and you can restore them all when you start a new adventure.

For convenience Karma Capabilities are divided into three categories: Defensive, Offensive and Skill Based.

Without wanting to give it all away, here is a little selection of what you can expect

Crack Shot (Personal Combat)

In the midst of the firefight you find an inner moment of calm. Time seems to slow as you carefully aim your weapon at the enemy.

Karma Cost: 4

Effect: You add a +2 bonus to the Kinetic, Energy or Heavy Weapon attack you just made.

I have you now… (Spaceship Combat)

The enemy Eagle twists and turns but cannot escape your sights. You stick close to the enemy’s tail and open fire.

Karma Cost: 3

Effect: Gain a +2 bonus to your current dogfighting check.

Liar, Liar!

“Don’t tell me you weren’t there, Henning!” you snap at the sweating prisoner. “The truth is plastered all over your face!”

Karma Cost: 2

Effect: If you are making an Insight check to determine if someone is lying to you, gain a +4 bonus.

Swipe (Vehicle Combat)

You smash your SRV across the side of the truck, grinning smugly as the truck careers off the road and into a ditch.

Karma Cost: 4

Effect: Instead of firing your weapons you ram an opponent in such a way as to minimise your own damage and maximise theirs. Make a ram attack, with a +2 bonus to hit. If you hit you take half normal damage and do not need to roll to swerve. Your enemy takes full damage and must make two obstacle checks in their next turn.

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